We want to connect and listen to you. Your great experience is our top priority. Therefore, we made it accessible for you to send your request if you have a request or suggestion to improve our service feature and provide feedback. You can also report bugs.
You can submit any other following:
- Integrations - Tools/Integration improvement
- Feature Request - Service Improvement or sharing your experience
- Bugs Report - Information about what is wrong and needs fixing with software or on a website.
Steps to Submit information using your Desktop
2. On the lower-left hand corner, find your username and click on the arrow-up button.
5. Fill out the details to Create a Post.
- Title (Short Description)
- Details (Additional Information)
- NOTE: You can also attach Images or Videos as references for your report.
6. Then, click on Create Post button to complete the submission.
Steps to Submit information using your Phone
2. Click under Account, and then click Features/Feedback.
3. It will bring you to the screen as shown below:
4. Select the type of information to submit and fill in the details of the created post.
5. Click the Create Post button to complete the submission.